Team Leader Info
Get started!
Use this guide for valuable directions, tips, and documents needed to organize and execute a successful campaign.
Your very first task to complete is to share your OWN PERSONAL ANNOUNCEMENT of your fundraising commitment to your family and community on social media. This is super simple and can be tailored to your personality. Don’t forget to tag @maxloveproject!
We recommend that you make your announcement no later than June 30th to officially kick off your campaign.
· How are you connected or impacted by MaxLove Project and your passion to make an impact for families facing childhood cancer and related pediatric diseases? Your favorite people and best supporters will want to know your WHY.
· Upon sharing your announcement, you may be given the option to begin a fundraiser online (Instagram or FB). If you choose to create an online fundraiser, we can add the funds to your individual fundraising page on Givebutter. This would be a great opportunity to begin encouraging your community to join your team’s Giving Heart Circle by making a donation of $100 to MaxLove Project.
· Share in a way that will resonate with your personal and professional networks (pictures, videos, and/or stories) on your social media platforms. Do YOU as authentically as you can! There’s nothing better than a video “reel” describing what you’re doing. Keep it short, but be sure to include your top fundraising goal and ways folks can help you. Don’t forget to share your team’s 25% off code which is valid before July 31st.
· Follow-up this big announcement with targeted emails and texts to your favorite people providing them with the link to view, take action, and share your special post on their social media. A little friendly nudge goes a long way!
Important Note: Collaborate with your core team members (chef, superkid, lead, and any members who want to join your core leadership team) to decide who will be making their own personal announcements. Once all core team members have completed their online announcements, MaxLove Project will share your TEAM ANNOUNCEMENT on social media. Each team lead must confirm who has completed their personal announcements for MLP to begin sharing your team announcement.
Let’s prioritize the easiest way to start generating funds attributed to your fundraising goal…Farm to Fork App-Off TICKET SALES. Get your people to join you for an incredible night of “friendraising” and fundraising on Saturday, September 14th on the hilltop of Tanaka Farms.
Your ASK will be to INVITE everyone you know to attend MaxLove Project’s 10th Anniversary Farm to Fork App-Off event. Remember to share your team’s 25% code to be used prior to July 31st!
Website to purchase tickets or donate: https://givebutter..com/F2FApp-Off
https://givebutter.com/F2FApp-Off/MLP-Green (Discount Code = GREEN25)
https://givebutter.com/F2FApp-Off/MLP-Hope (Discount Code = HOPE25)
https://givebutter.com/F2FApp-Off/MLP-Love (Discount Code = LOVE25)
https://givebutter.com/F2FApp-Off/MLP-Thrive (Discount Code = THRIVE25)
· The only way to get friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and/or other important people you know to prove their commitment to supporting YOU is to obtain their ticket purchase on your individual fundraising page. This is the ultimate goal of a community fundraising event!
· Another big tip is to invite folks to fundraise along with you! Many times, folks don’t have the cash to contribute but they’d be happy to get the word out or host a small fundraiser themselves. Be sure to invite people to formally join your team. The more the merrier!
· Utilize EVERY method of communication to make your ASK (in-person, phone call, text, email, mail, video, social media, etc.). If someone doesn’t respond to one of your communication attempts, try other ways to get a response from them. If they say yes, it’s a win! If you hear they cannot attend the event, you gave it your best effort!
Event postcards are available to all team members for distribution far and wide. Contact Carrie Benavides to receive a bundle of 50 event postcards. If you run out and wish to print additional event postcards, here are the digital versions of the front and back. Print away!
Important Note: There will be a People’s Choice Vote at the event. The best way to win the people’s favorite team is to bring all of your people who will vote for your team to the event! Win-Win!
Another great way to get closer to reaching your fundraising goal is to promote your team’s GIVING HEART CIRCLE and collect as many $100 donations as possible. An accumulation of 100 donors each giving $100 will produce $10,000 in donations for your team. Simple and incremental!
· Once you get your favorite people to purchase tickets and join you at the Farm to Fork App-Off event, you’ll want to remind them that this is a fundraising event to continue providing much-needed services to MaxLove Project families at every stage of their childhood cancer journeys.
· Politely ask them to consider joining your team’s Giving Heart Circle by donating $100 before or during the event. This is an exclusive group of the most amazing supporters of your team!
· As a reminder, you do not have to complete the Giving Heart Circle on your own. It’s a team effort and the more the merrier! Recruit additional fundraising team members to help complete the team’s Giving Heart Circle well before the event.
· What happens when your favorite people can’t attend the event? ASK them to join your Giving Heart Circle to fulfill your team’s ultimate goal of gathering 100 amazingly giving hearts of support.
Important Note: MaxLove Project will be helping to solicit donations for each team’s Giving Heart Circle on the night of the event. We hope our guests will jump in to help complete all 4 Giving Heart Circles!
Carrie can help with this so please reach out for support!
Sponsors and in-kind donors uplift the team and provide the motivation and confidence to keep moving forward in this friendly, fundraising competition. The monetary benefits can be exponential adding to your team’s overall fundraising goal.
· Begin collecting as many quality silent auction items from your community that will benefit your team on the night of the event. All auction items presented by your team that are bid and won at the Farm to Fork App-Off will be added to your team’s total amount raised. Once 100% confirmed and auction item is in hand, please add your item to the Auction Form in your respective team’s tab. Another great way to bump up your team’s fundraising on event night!
· Each team is required to submit ONE LIVE AUCTION ITEM for the event. This will be the most valuable auction item collected by the team. It should be an item or experience that the guests will want to join in on the bidding fun and can significantly increase the amount of funds raised by your team. You will use the same Auction Form to submit all details related to your team’s live auction item. The 4 collected items (one per team) will be included in the live auction on the main stage during the judging deliberation time at the event.
· Businesses who care and want to support you and your team with a monetary donation can receive a variety of different benefits, all while giving back to their community. Share our Farm to Fork App-Off Sponsor Deck with interested business donors. MaxLove Project loves welcoming new businesses to our community and cause.
Important Note: All silent auction items must be added to the Auction Form before or on September 1st. If you happen to collect additional items between September 1st and September 11th, these items can be added as well. We are happy to accept one or more items after the September 1st date, if acquired late, but all items should not be added after this deadline. Live auction items can be added before or on September 11th.
Please Note: Last minute auction items (live or silent) will NOT be accepted after the hard deadline of September 11th.
We have four teams sharing their culinary magic with our Farm to Fork App-Off guests in September. What will make your team stand out in this competition?
· Each team will be required to incorporate the Fierce Foods Philosophy in their appetizer offering at the Farm to Fork App-Off event. Working with your SuperKid Chef and Chef, your team should plan their dish according to MaxLove Project’s whole-foods based platform and share this element within your presentation.
· Teams must also decide who will be presenting at their team booth and who will step up to perform the presentation speech at the event. Communicate this information to Carrie as it is confirmed.
Judging Criteria
Fierce Foods Component
Flavor & Composition w/Star Challenge Ingredient
Protein Challenge Ingredient
Beverage Pairing
Other required judging components...
FUNDRAISING: Team must raise at least $25,000 to qualify to compete. The amount raised above $25,000 will be awarded points in the judging rubric. The more money raised, the more points earned.
o Please note, if used, each team’s $2500 budget will be deducted from the total amount raised because, in effect, those funds were not raised and contributed to the cause, the funds were instead used. To avoid this deduction teams are encouraged to bring in sponsors who will underwrite and fund their efforts.
COMMUNAL PREP SPACE: Teams must use the communal prep space on site at the farm to construct at least 50% of their dish. This will render a score that will be added to the judging rubric.
· Every team will be scored according to the Judging Rubric designed with a variety of different factors to provide a fair and impartial competition. Coming soon!
Be sure to thank all of your donors!
There are many different ways to recognize gifts of any size.
· Personal thank you phone call or text
· Create a short personal video for a unique thank you
· Handwritten thank you note via mail or hand deliver
· Make a big thank you sign and post it outside their office door
· Mega horn announcement outside their home for all their neighbors to hear
· Or you can simply thank via social media!
Each team will have their own Giving Heart Circle
The purpose of your outreach is to encourage 100 special people to donate $100 each to help you complete your Giving Heart Circle by the end of the App-Off event. You don’t have to do this alone! Recruit other fundraising members to help you get to 100 donors or more.
Save one of your amazing silent auction items to raffle off to one lucky Giving Heart Circle member. When a person joins your Giving Heart Circle, they will automatically be entered into your team raffle for a fantastic prize (you and your team will secure this unique prize). Raffle will be conducted at the end of the Farm to Fork App-Off event if (and ONLY if) your Giving Heart Circle is complete with 100 total members.
*Please note, this folder will be updated regularly with new files for sharing.
The App-Off will feature both a silent and a live auction. All auction items acquired by teams will be attributed to those teams.
The silent auction will be hosted in it's own area where all items will be prominently displayed. We will have a submission form and a deadline to share soon.
The live auction will take place as the judging process is happening at the event. We are offering to auction off one item per team. All revenue will be attributed to that team.
Add auction items to your team tab on the shared Auction Form HERE -
Yes, use this link for directions:
Per IRS guidelines, DAFs and Private Foundations cannot be used to pay for tickets or tables to fundraising events or galas. Furthermore, such grants cannot be used to pay the tax-deductible portion of a ticket or table if the full cost includes both a tax deductible and non-deductible portion.